Speaking and Keynotes

Our Executive Director, Dr. Gigi Johnson, speaks extensively virtually, and before the Pandemic, in the U.S. and abroad.

She has spoken for many years in media, education, and technology events and classrooms about new business and social frameworks in this age of infinite information.  Beyond convergence, she shows how the resulting disruptions bring expanded opportunities: for work, social change, and personal living.

An energetic and engaging speaker, Dr. Johnson shares ideas that help listeners rethink their futures. Her explanations inspire her listeners to take different directions with their work, their partnerships, their world visions, and often their lives.  She makes clear what overwhelms us as confusing about all of these new technologies in our daily lives.  She identifies new business trends and connections, not just for now, but for the mid-term future.  She focuses on three main arenas of disruption and transformation:

  • how time, place, and data are reconnecting how we engage with each other, with media, with technology, and with education;
  • how our stories that we use to understand those reconnections and changes can be expanded, with new opportunities from seeing more clearly how the fibers of new business models are creating new lines of power and opportunity; and
  • how we can thrive by bringing new models and information into our work, careers, brands, and relationships—not just taking what we’ve been given, but opening the doors wider for new connected opportunities.


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Enjoy Podcasts with Creatives